
Scridel D., Bogliani B., Pedrini P., Iemma A., von Hardenberg A. and Brambilla M. (2017) Thermal niche predicts recent range variation in birds. Climate Research. 73(3), 207-216.

Zanet S., Miglio G., Ferrari C., Bassano B., Ferroglio E. and von Hardenberg, A. (2017) Higher Risk of Gastrointestinal Parasite Infection at Lower Altitudes Suggests Possible Constraints in the Distributional Niche of Alpine Marmots. PLOS ONE. 12(8),e0182477.

Tiberti, R., Ottino, M., Brighenti, S., Iacobuzio, R., Rolla, M., von Hardenberg, A. and Bassano B. (2017) Involvement of recreational anglers in the eradication of alien brook trout from high altitude lakes. Journal of Mountain Ecology, 10, 13-26.

Ranghetti, L., Bassano B., Bogliani G., Palmonari A., Formigoni A, Stendardi L. and von Hardenberg A. (2016) MODIS time series contribution for the estimation of nutritional properties of alpine grassland. European Journal of Remote Sensing. 49, 691-718.

Quevedo P. von Hardenberg A., Pastore H., Alvarez J. and Corti P. (2016) Predicting the potential distribution of the endangered huemul deer Hippocamelus bisulcus in North Patagonia. Oryx, doi: 10.1017/S0030605315001106

Pasquaretta C., Busia L., Ferrari C., Bogliani, G., Reale, D., von Hardenberg, A. (2015) Helpers influence on territory use and maintenance in Alpine marmot groups. Behaviour, 152(10), 1391-1412.

Brambilla B., Biebach I., Bassano B., Bogliani G. and von Hardenberg A. (2015) Direct and indirect causal effects of heterozygosity on fitness-related traits in Alpine ibex. Proc. Roy. Soc. B. doi: 10.1098/rspb.2014.1873

Tiberti R., von Hardenberg A. and Bogliani G. (2014) Ecological impact of introduced fish in high altitude lakes: a case of study from the European Alps. Hydrobiologia, 724(1):1:19 doi: 10.1007/ s10750-013- 1696-1

Gonzalez-Voyer A. and von Hardenberg A. (2014) An introduction to Phylogenetic Path Analysis. In: Modern phylogenetic comparative methods and their application in evolutionary biology. (Garamszegi L.S., Ed.). Springer Verlag, Berlin. pp. 201-230 (*Equal contribution)

von Hardenberg A. and Gonzalez-Voyer A. (2013) Disentangling evolutionary cause-effect relationships with phylogenetic confirmatory path analysis. Evolution 67: 378–387, doi: 10.1111/j.1558- 5646.2012.01790.x

Brambilla A., von Hardenberg A., Kristo O., Bassano B. and Bogliani G. (2013) Don’t spit in the soup: faecal avoidance in foraging wild Alpine ibex, Capra ibex. Animal Behaviour, 86(1): 153-158, doi: 10.1016/j.anbehav.2013.05.006

Viterbi R., Cerrato C., Bassano B., Bionda R., von Hardenberg A., Provenzale A. and Bogliani G. (2013) Patterns of biodiversity in the northwestern Italian Alps: a multi-taxa approach. Community Ecology 14(1):18-30. doi: 10.1556/ComEc.14.2013.1.3

Ferrari, C., Pasquaretta, C., Carere, C., Cavallone, E., von Hardenberg, A. and Reale, D. (2013). Testing for the presence of coping styles in a wild mammal. Animal Behaviour, 85(6):1385-1396, doi: 10.1016/j.anbehav.2013.03.030

Corlatti L. Bethaz S., von Hardenberg A., Bassano B., Palme, R. & Lovari S. (2012) Hormones, parasites and male mating tactics in Alpine chamois: identifying the mechanisms of life history trade-offs. Animal Behaviour, 84(4):1061-170, doi: 10.1016/j.anbehav.2012.08.005

Mignatti A., Casagrandi R., Provenzale A. von Hardenberg A. and Gatto M. (2012) Sex and age- structured models for Alpine ibex Capra ibex ibex population dynamics. Wildlife Biology, 18 (3): 318-332.

Ferrari C., Pasquaretta C., von Hardenberg A. and Bassano B. (2012) Intraspecific killing and cannibalism in adult Alpine marmots Marmota marmota. Ethology, Ecology and Evolution, 24 (4): 388-394

Dumont F. Pasquaretta C., Bogliani G. Reale D. & von Hardenberg A. (2012) Flight initiation distance and starting distance: biological effect or mathematical artifact? Ethology, 118(11): 1051-1062.

Tiberti, R and von Hardenberg A. (2012) Impact of introduced fish on Common frog (Rana temporaria) close to its altitudinal limit in alpine lakes. Amphibia-Reptilia, 33(2):303-307.

Pasquaretta C., Bogliani G. Ferrari C., Ranghetti L. and von Hardenberg A. (2012) The Animal Locator: A new method for the accurate and fast collection of animal locations for visible species. Wildlife Biology, 18(2):202-214.

Costantini D., Ferrari C., Pasquaretta C., Carere C., von Hardenberg A. and Reale D. (2012) Interplay between plasma oxidative state, cortisol and coping styles in wild Alpine marmots (Marmota marmota). Journal of Experimental Biology, 215(2):374-383.

Rughetti, M. , Toigo, C., von Hardenberg A., Rocchia E. and M. Festa-Bianchet (2011). Effects of an exceptionally snowy winter on chamois survival. Acta Theriologica, 56(4): 329-333.

Ferrari C. Bogliani G. and von Hardenberg A. (2009) Alpine marmots (Marmota marmota) adjust vigilance behaviour according to environmental characteristics of their surrounding. Ethology, Ecology & Evolution, 21:355-364.

Bergeron P., Festa-Bianchet M., von Hardenberg A. and Bassano B. (2008). Heterogeneity in male horn growth and longevity in a highly sexually dimorphic ungulate. Oikos, 117, 77-82.

Decristophoris P.M.A., von Hardenberg A. and McElligott A.G. (2007). Testosterone is positively related to the output of nematode eggs in male Alpine ibex (Capra ibex) faeces. Evolutionary Ecology Research, 9:1277-1292.

von Hardenberg A., Bassano B., Festa-Bianchet M., Luikart G., Lanfranchi P. and Coltman D. (2007). Age dependent genetic effects on a secondary sexual trait in male Alpine ibex (Capra ibex). Molecular Ecology, 16:1969-1980.

Pettorelli N., Pelletier F., von Hardenberg A., Festa-Bianchet M. and Cote S. (2007). Early onset of vegetation growth versus rapid green-up: impacts on juvenile mountain ungulates. Ecology, 88(2):381- 390.

Jacobson A.R., Festa-Bianchet M., Provenzale A., von Hardenberg A. and Bassano B. (2006) Comment on Lima & Berryman (2006): the Alpine ibex revisited. Climate Research, 32:137.

von Hardenberg A., Bassano B., Zumel Arranz M.d.P. and G. Bogliani. (2004). Horn growth but not asymmetry heralds the onset of senescence in male Alpine ibex. Journal of Zoology, 263: 425-432.

Jacobson, A.R., Provenzale, A., von Hardenberg A., Bassano B. and M. Festa-Bianchet. (2004). Climate forcing and density dependence in a mountain ungulate population. Ecology, 85(6): 1598-1610.

Maudet C., Luikart G., Dubray D., von Hardenberg A., Taberlet P. (2004). Low genotyping error rates when analysing microsatellite DNA from wild ungulate faeces sampled in winter. Molecular Ecology Notes, 4(4): 772-775.

Bassano B., von Hardenberg A., Pelletier. F. and G. Gobbi. (2003). A method to weight free- ranging ungulates without handling. Wildlife Society Bulletin. 31(4):1205–1209.

von Hardenberg A., Shipley B. and M. Festa Bianchet (2003). Another one bites the dust: Does incisor arcade size affect mass gain and survival in grazing ungulates? Canadian Journal of Zoology, 81 (9): 1623- 1629.

Bassano B., Perrone A. and von Hardenberg A. (2003) Body weight and horn development in Alpine chamois, Rupicapra rupicapra (Bovidae, Caprinae). Mammalia, 67(1):65-73.

von Hardenberg A., Bassano B., Peracino, A. & S. Lovari (2000). Male alpine chamois occupy territories at hotspots before the mating season. Ethology, 106:617-630.

von Hardenberg A., Bassano B., Peracino V., von Hardenberg J. & Provenzale A. (2000) Preliminary results on the temporal variability of the Alpine ibex population in the Gran Paradiso National Park. Journal of Mountain Ecology, 5:201-210.

Bertolino S., von Hardenberg A. & G. Ribetto (2000) Population dynamics of mouflon, Ovis [orientalis] musimon, in a protected area in the Italian Alps. Journal of Mountain Ecology, 5:193-200.

Other academic articles (In Italian):

Bassano B., von Hardenberg A., Viterbi R. and Provenzale A. (2007) Impatto della variablità climatica sugli ecosistemi alpini. In: Clima e Cambiamenti Climatici: le attivita` di ricerca del CNR (B. Carli, G. Cavarretta, M. Colacino, S. Fuzzi Eds.). Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche. 677-680.

von Hardenberg A., Bassano B. (2000). I mammiferi. In: Un Po di terra: Guida all’ambiente della Bassa Pianura Padana e alla sua storia (C. Ferrari & L. Gambi, Eds.). Diabasis Editore. 237-282.

Bassano, B. von Hardenberg A. and Provenzale A. (2007) Cinquant’anni di censimenti al Parco Nazionale Gran Paradiso. S.It.E. Lettera ai Soci. Anno XIII, 1:19-20.

Prigioni C. and von Hardenberg A. (1996) Biologia della lontra (Lutra lutra) e prospettive di un suo ritorno in Valle d’Aosta. In: Progetto Lontra Gran Paradiso. (V. Peracino, ed.). Collana scientifica del Parco Nazionale Gran Paradiso nr.4. 36 pp.